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In evidence in a sentence

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Sentence count:93+3Posted:2018-02-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: evidenceevidenceddirect evidencehearsay evidencepreponderance of evidencephysical evidencedocumentary evidencecorroborating evidenceMeaning: adj. clearly to be seen. 
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61. He was in evidence at the party.
62. Dr Tony Falconer, the president-elect of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said the WHO's advice had no basis in evidence and women should not worry about time limits.
63. Do you see anything in this picture that's not in evidence inventory?
64. She made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence.
65. Presuming the giant impact event, this explanation seems far more plausible than a lost star that is otherwise not in evidence.
66. Groups based on ISSR markers were not in evidence with geographical regions.
67. The same shortsightedness that prevailed in the run - up to the crisis is once again in evidence.
68. Several new design approaches were in evidence as China's range of mobile and man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) continues to expand.
69. The results show that there exist the cathode dark space region and negative glow region, and the hollow cathode effect is in evidence.
70. Similar feelings of bewilderment were much in evidence throughout the rest of the town, as residents tried to return to their ordinary lives, often wearing expressions of head-scratching bemusement.
71. Hu's signature tough-minded style is already in evidence in recent articles on corruption and the imperative for political reform.
72. Judicial notice, which is also known as"judicial knowing", is an important rule in civil proceedings as well as a key issue in evidence act.
73. All exhibits produced in evidence at an inquest shall be marked with consecutive numbers and each number shall be preceded by the letter 'C'.
74. Shortly after moving to America, she gave damning evidence about her brothers' regime in evidence to Congress's controversial Un-American Activities committee.
75. Judicial notice, which is also known as "judicial cognition", is an important rule in civil procedural law as well as a key issue in evidence act.
76. These results showed that female silkworm moth and it's compound preparation have the homologous estrogen biologic character in evidence.
77. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve reasoning efficiency in evidence, especially in the solution of some complex elementary geometry problems.
78. Many traders are expecting levels to improve again next week and although some profit taking and hedge selling activity has capped rates for the moment support levels are still very much in evidence.
79. The supposed murder weapon was produced in evidence at his trial.
80. This method can improve reasoning efficiency in evidence,( evidence.html) especially in the solution of some complex elementary geometry problems.
81. But the Watch Committee in arriving at their decision considered (inter alia ) his own statement in evidence and the observations made by the trial judge.
82. Poverty and bad housing conditions are still very much in evidence.
83. We ought now to substitute the faith in evidence with the knowledge of self-discovery.
84. Vifian's father, a dapper 86 - year - old, is still very much in evidence every night.
85. Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.
86. He may have been hundreds of miles away back in London but the Fernando Torres effect was already clearly in evidence here at the Stadium of Light.
87. The holes in the wall were very much in evidence.
88. The bowlers at the eye of the storm were nowhere in evidence.
89. The argument is clear and intelligent, but wanting in evidence.
90. In evidence law field, the due procedure should be composed of rational demand of proof, modern principle of proof and scientific rule of evidence.
More similar words: evidenceevidenceddirect evidencehearsay evidencepreponderance of evidencephysical evidencedocumentary evidencecorroborating evidencecircumstantial evidenceprovidenceimprovidenceevidentevidentlyevidentialself-evidentincidencesubsidenceaccidenceresidencediffidenceconfidencedissidencecoincidencein confidencetax incidenceresidence timeself-confidenceoverconfidencewith confidencehall of residence
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